What WE are doing…

You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result
~ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)

Action Programs

Ongoing public education events including film screenings, leafletting, public speaking and mailings.
Raising public awareness about human trafficking is a focal point in our efforts. People cannot address a problem they don’t even know exists. We have successfully presented several different programs at schools and libraries. We have frequently screened the excellent film  about human trafficking “Dreams Die Hard” followed by a Q&A.

Regular publication of a newsletter for our membership.
We  publish quarterly both a print and electronic version of a newsletter highlighting our activities. You may view the latest edition here: Fight Slavery News!

Continued strategy meetings to assess programs and goals.
We meet every other month throughout the year to assess our activities, plan future actions and share ideas. We constantly seek ways to improve our effectiveness and to grow our capacity and outreach.

Maintaining two websites, one largely informational, one interactive.
This site, FightSlaveryNow.Org, is our largely static public information forum. Our Meetup.com/fight-slavery-now site may be linked to from the bottom of any page on this site. Anyone may become a member free of charge. We welcome and encourage you to sign on and to participate in our discussions.

Group book reading and discussion as a learning tool.
We have read several books together as a group as we continue to learn more about this issue. Usually one of us will compose a short review for inclusion in the Book Review section of our meetup.com site.

Development of legislative initiatives and advocating effective implementation of applicable law.
We are particularly pleased to support two pending NY State bills that would confer labor rights to domestic workers and to farm workers, two categories of employment that are specifically excluded from most basic labor laws. These areas are especially subject to labor trafficking. At the federal level, we actively support section 308 of the Customs Reauthorization Bill that would ban the importation into the US of products made with convict, forced or child labor.

Active partnerships with other groups in furtherance of our goals.
At conferences and events around the city we have been extending our network of friends and allies, not only in the abolitionist community, but in the broader community of people working on many social justice issues. While we do not currently have the capacity to engage directly in victim rescue and recovery, we earnestly support and promote  groups that do.

“Seal of Freedom” consumer education program.
We hope in the coming year to offer recognition to those manufacturers, suppliers, or organizations that foster ethically sourced consumer products. We hope this will prove a useful tool in educating the public about the prevalence of products tainted by forced labor and child labor.

Building Resources for our members in our Files section.
We have built up a trove of useful reports, studies, and other information in the Files Section of our meetup.com site. While most of this material is viewable by anyone, some files may only be viewed by members.

It costs nothing to join and takes only a moment, so consider signing up today and becoming a voice for freedom!

All of our events and meetings are posted on the CALENDAR PAGE of our meetup.com website

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To join us in action and discussion, please visit